Pls suggest which book to refer for tax mangamenet and practice - CMA final grp III .....
material for syllabus 2012 not yet uploaded on website but needs to start study in advance ...
pls suggest some finest refrence books.
sabia (CWA Finals) (548 Points)
27 February 2013Pls suggest which book to refer for tax mangamenet and practice - CMA final grp III .....
material for syllabus 2012 not yet uploaded on website but needs to start study in advance ...
pls suggest some finest refrence books.
Leni James K
(Student CMA)
(90 Points)
Replied 27 February 2013
Indirect Taxes = Refer Book of Bangar along with his compilation(November 2012 edition) for June 2013 exams
Direct Taxes = Refer Vinod K Singhania
Give more importance to Indirect taxes as weightage of marks is more in Indirect Taxes, almost 60-70%
(196 Points)
Replied 01 March 2013
To sabia ,
Congratulation !!! for clearing Inter exams & but i would like to share few tips for starting up with finals ...
1. keep patience inst't already started posting contents of syallabus 2012 on website ...might be take maximum 1 month to post all their contents.
2. Inst't material will be the BEST for exams even mentioned by examiner in their comments
3. if needed extra material
for IDT - Mohmad Rafi for CMA Finals - understandable language
for DT - V.KSinghania , Girish Ahuja , Padhuka would be too heavy for paper combination (DT with IDT) (hope u already studied Basic concepts of tax i.e 5 heads) in finals the major focus should be on rest contents like transfer pricing , assessment of individual , firm , partnership , trust , assessment procedure , international taxation ,deductions , case studies , etc ..
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Survey, Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act 1961