08 November 2008  

Major Highlights of CLV Corporate-November Edition

 Corporate News
Educomp acquired 51% stake in Takshila Management Services
Tata Motors acquires majority stake in Miljo Grenland
Reliance Money acquires minority stake in HK Exchange
Sanjivani Paranteral acquired pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in Uttarakhand
Telenor to buy into Unitech arm
S.Kumars to acquire Leggiuno s.p.a
TCS to acquire CITI group global service
Ministry of External Affairs awards Passport Seva Project to TCS
Jet-Kingfisher alliance….Read More
Legal Updates
Companies Bill, 2008 was introduced by the Government in the Lok Sabha
The Government introduced the Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2008 in Rajya Sabha
Consolidation of Holdings under Takeover Regulations
Amendment in Clause 49 Of The Listing Agreement
Internal Audit for Stock Brokers/Trading Members/Clearing Members
External Commercial Borrowings Policy – Liberalization
Amendment of Double Taxation Agreement with Government of Japan
Stamp Duty Amendments….Read More
From the Judgment Room
Appointment of Seasonal Employer in Permanent Positions was a Managerial Task, which could not be interfered with by The Labour Court
No Need of Arbitration Clause in the Agreement….Read More
Legal Guidance –Case Study
Applicability of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 on the inter se transfer of shares promoters…….SEBI Clarification
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Happy Learning & Sharing
Thanking you,
With Best Regards
Team CLV