Closed savings account showing up as selected for refund credit in ITR-1

Manas Phadke (Senior Consultant) (90 Points)

08 August 2021  


I'm facing an issue when filing ITR-1 online through the portal. I had a savings bank account which I had closed in FY 2019-20 itself but is still showing up in the bank accounts in my profile. Its status is Validation in progress since Nov'20 which seems ridiculous. I cannot remove it until its status changes either to validated or validation failed. Also this account is showing up in the Bank details section in ITR-1 as selected for refund. Since it doesn't allow me to delete that account directly in ITR-1, even if I deselect that option and confirm, it is still showing up as a selected account for refund in the ITR-1 preview alongwith the correct account which is validated!!

How to resolve this issue since I want to remove this account? Also if I go ahead and submit the return with multiple accounts selected for refund is it likely to cause any issue?


C.A. Manas Phadke