Clause 49 forms - Directors' Database

Suresh Prasad ( (15630 Points)

23 November 2010  

Clause 49 forms - Directors' Database


The amended Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement came into effect from 1 January 2006. One of the provisions in this Clause that is to be complied with, on an ongoing basis, is the composition of the Board of Directors. In this regard, companies are required to provide information to the Exchange as per the formats given below. Before filling up and filing these forms, please refer to the instructions given therein.

Form 1: Director Disclosure Form
Click below to download the soft copy of the form in zip format. Make multiple copies of this form for as many directors as are on your Board.

•  Form1 Download

- Zip Format (size: 77.3 KB)

Form 2: Director Cessation/Reappointment Form
Click below to download the soft copy of the Cessation/Reappointment Form in zip format.

•  Form2 Download

- Zip Format (size: 16.5 KB)

The soft copy of the filled-in forms should be mailed to clause49 @ A printout of all the forms should be signed and sent by courier/registered post to the Exchange.

For details on filling up the forms, please refer to the attached Instructions.