A want to start new small buisness as trader ( No manufacturing activity) in metal Scrap, Expected yearly turnover 50 lakhs
He is planning to purchase scrap from B (Manufacturer & having Excise registration) & C (manufacturer Not registered with Excise)
Now B will charge A - ED but C will not charge ED
A want to sell all material to D ( Big scrap dealer registered under Central Excise)
My Questions.
1.Whether A can get registration with Cetral Excise as turnover is small?
2.Can he take ED credit when purchases from B ?
3. Can he pass on full ED credit to D on sale or any part of ED ?
4. Whether ED to be Charged on Sale to D on scrap purchased from C without ED credit.?
5. Expected purchase are about 40 lakhs/annum from B and 10 lakhs/annum from C. Will it be worth registring with Excise.?