CA Gandhi ,I am sorry but I am completely disgusted with your attitude.It's CA's like you who bring disrepute to the profession.It's unprincipled,moralless CA's like you that are responsible for a SATYAM,WORLDCOM etc.Have you forgotten the motto of the ICAI ? It's not money that CA's should strive for but knowledge and adding value to both the profession as well as society at large.As regards your contention that if there were more number of CA's with consequential reduced earnings less people would opt for the course ,well I can say this for myself that I joined this course as a natural progression from BCOM.I wanted to attain the highest degree in my chosen field of study.It was never about money.After reading your comments I feel ashamed about being associated with the CA tag.God help that you never get to become an examiner and purposely fail students just so that you can take a fatter pay cheque at the end of the day.