Hello All,
Please let me know that what are the changes in Ca final 2nd group & what are the amendements.
Bhavik shah
CS BHAVIK HARSHAD SHAH (Company Secretary) (1662 Points)
22 May 2015Hello All,
Please let me know that what are the changes in Ca final 2nd group & what are the amendements.
Bhavik shah
Aditya Sharma
(finance advisory)
(377 Points)
Replied 23 May 2015
costing---no change
isca---same as in may- 15 ( ch1 and ch 8 are new chapters from nov. 14)
DT---wealth tax not applicable from nov. 15------for amendments get supplementary from ICAI
IDT---same as may 15---for amendments get supplementary from ICAI------first do excise+ service ax + FTP than come to custom and focus only on valuation/ baggage rules/ duty drawback/ warehousing in custom
good luck.