Hii All,
While creating the fvu file, i got the error to import challan from nsdl site. My question is do we still have to import the challan if tds is paid online???. Reply fast please.
Tejas Jain
(Chartered Accountant)
(314 Points)
Replied 08 October 2012
We have to attach the csi file for this
Go to
https://tin.tin.nsdl.com/oltas/index.html click on TAN based view..
than enter the TAN and period and match all the challans for the quarter by entering the amount form the challan when all the challans are matched download challan file and attach the same file while validationg the fvu file...
CA Garima
(99 Points)
Replied 12 October 2012
Thank you Tejas. I have downloaded he csi file for period 1/7/12 to 30/9/12.I was uploading fvu for 24Q. I have also paid the tds on rent. Do we have to upload this csi file only ,when i'll be uplaoding fvu file for 26Q.Means only one csi file will be uploaded whether ur filing 24Q or 26Q?
Tejas Jain
(Chartered Accountant)
(314 Points)
Replied 12 October 2012
for 26Q you have to download seprate file containing only the challan for rent paid for that you ahve to match the challan amount and check only that challan and download the challan file.
CA Garima
(99 Points)
Replied 12 October 2012
from where should i download csi file for tds for rent?
Tejas Jain
(Chartered Accountant)
(314 Points)
Replied 12 October 2012
where you downloaded the CSI file for the salary frm there only u just have to check the challan related to rent payment....and download the csi file.
CA Garima
(99 Points)
Replied 12 October 2012
Sorry Tejas, i didnt get you. You gave me the link , i downloaded csi file for period 1-7-12 to 30-9-12. My 24Q file validation is successful( thru this csi file). The link you gave doesnt have option for rent etc
Tejas Jain
(Chartered Accountant)
(314 Points)
Replied 12 October 2012
on that link if u give TAN and period it will list all the challns of TDS paid during that period, you will have to select the challan of TDS on rent and type the amount from the challan and after matching the amount you have to download the csi file which will only have the challan of rent paid.
Tejas Jain
(Chartered Accountant)
(314 Points)
Replied 12 October 2012
PLease do not directly click on downlod challan file ..first give the period and click on "view challan DETAILS" It will show all the challns for given period you have to give the TDS amount on the rent agaist particular challn thn check that and confirm amount after confirming amount you have to download the file.