Certificate surrender
Raj Tandon (Partner) (27 Points)
01 November 2015Raj Tandon (Partner) (27 Points)
01 November 2015
(124 Points)
Replied 01 November 2015
It is advisable to write to the department with a sworn affidavit stating the facts including the fact that registration certificate has been lost. Ask your client to take acknowledgment and preserve it. There should be a specific request in the letter to de-register and relieve your client from all attendant formalities.
Raj Tandon
(27 Points)
Replied 01 November 2015
(243 Points)
Replied 02 November 2015
You can apply for aces login . From there you will be able to download registration. even application for surrender can be filed online. once you file online surrender request you need tosubmit signed copy of surrender request to range office.