Cenvat input for sale against form e1
Imran Noor (Accountant) (54 Points)
20 May 2017Imran Noor (Accountant) (54 Points)
20 May 2017
(Finance Analysist)
(607 Points)
Replied 20 May 2017
little more explanation required from your side.
S .Ghosh
(audit assistant)
(258 Points)
Replied 21 May 2017
Imran Noor
(54 Points)
Replied 23 May 2017
Dear Rohit
Here is the explainantion
Omega Polymicrons Pvt. Ltd. (U.P.) purchased raw material from Polyuno Venures (Delhi), distributor of Clarinat Ltd (Mumbai)
Here the supplier is calriant (Mumbai) but he rasied the invoice (ship to omega (u.p) and bill to Polyuno (Delh) and Polyuno (Delhi) raised a invoice to Omega (UP) sale against Form E (It is claraly mentioned on invoice that cenvat can't be claimed on this invoice)
Other Part Main Supplier Clariant is providing us (Omega U.P) duplicate copy of invoice and mentiong on it's enevelop that Dulicate copy of invoice for caliming cenvat.
I hope it's clear