Cenvat credit

Babu George (CEO) (29 Points)

18 August 2016  

I am operating a security agency and I am remitting Service Tax for the services provided for my clients, for example I have to remit Rs  ‘X’  as service tax for say Quarter – I

I have outsourced some of the activities like manpower recruiting etc to an agency called consultants.

My consultants raised a bill on my Security Agency, the bill value includes Service Tax @ 14 + cess  say Rs ‘Y’. So I paid Rs ‘Y’ including Service Tax (Say Rs Z) to the consultants.

My consultants remitted Service Tax Rs ‘Z’ to the Government and provided me the Chalan.

No can I take Cenvat credit of Rs ‘Z’ and then pay net Rs’ X’ ( Minus) ‘Z’ as Service Tax  ?