What is meaning of MODVAT ?
Murthy B.C (Excise Officer) (141 Points)
21 September 2011DEAR ALL
What is meaning of MODVAT ?
CA Vishal kapoor
(320 Points)
Replied 21 September 2011
MODVAT means Modified Value Added Tax..
It can be better explained with the help of following example..
if a manufacturer A purchases certain components(raw materials) from another manufacturer B for use in its product. B would have paid excise duty on components manufactured by it and would have recovered that excise duty in its sales price from A. Now, A has to pay excise duty on product manufactured by it as well as bear the excise duty paid by the supplier of raw material B. Under the MODVAT scheme, a manufacturer can take credit of excise duty paid on raw materials and components used by him in his manufacture. It amounts to excise duty only on additions in value by each manufacturer at each stage.
Hope u understand
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