whether celebration expenses regarding office party are allowed in case of income tax act?or it is better to show in staff welfare expenses.plz guide me.
CA Ramsai N
(594 Points)
Replied 12 June 2013
As far as i concerned there is no special rule in this regard.
But allowing the expenses for such celebrations depends on A.O depending upon the facts.
Its better to show under staff welfare expenses rather showing as separate line item
(Chartered Accountant)
(4775 Points)
Replied 12 June 2013
It is advisable to show it under the head Staff Welfare Expense.
Dhruvi N suthar
(Account Executive)
(303 Points)
Replied 12 June 2013
Its better to show under staff welfare expense as such there is no rule for that but its good if you show under the head staff welfare expense.
shiv shankar rawat student CMA
(263 Points)
Replied 12 June 2013
All exp. related to staff entertainment would be consider under staff welfare a/c. As per my concern no any rule is applicable for this
(116 Points)
Replied 13 June 2013
Office Party it is come under staff welfare account.