Spouse of one of the Promoters of the Company, who is an Engineering Graduate is appointed as an Additional Director. Which category she fall under: Promoter / Professional?
Kindly suggest.
Radhika (Company Secretary) (303 Points)
02 April 2015Friends,
Spouse of one of the Promoters of the Company, who is an Engineering Graduate is appointed as an Additional Director. Which category she fall under: Promoter / Professional?
Kindly suggest.
P C Agrawal
(Registered independent director Past Chairman of Aurangabad Chapter of ICSI Practicing Company Secretary at Aurangabad)
(8229 Points)
Replied 02 April 2015
Promoter has been defined in Sec.2(69). Any person who is identified by the company in the annual return is also a promoter. Hence it is your choice.
(Company Secretary )
(596 Points)
Replied 02 April 2015
It should be of Promoter Category.
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