Certificate in Accounting Technicians (CAT) Qualification
A) Foundation Course (Entry Level) – Part-I
Paper 1: Organization and Management Fundamentals.
Paper 2: Accounting
Paper 3: Economics and Business Fundamentals
Paper 4: Business Mathematics and Statistics Fundamentals
B) Competency Level – Part-II
Paper 5: Financial Accounting
Paper 6: Applied Statutory Compliance
The Student who have passed/appearing 12th Class (10+2) examination are eligible to take admission in Foundation (Entry Level) Part-I of CAT Course. Graduates and Foundation Passed students of ICWAI & CAT are eligible to take direct admission in Competency Level (Part-II). It may please be noted that simultaneous appearing in Entry Level and Competency Level is not allowed for a CAT Course.
Course Fee
Fee for the complete Course is Rs. 8,600/-. Fee for ICWAI Foundation passed students and Graduates is Rs. 6,500/-. However, these students are required to pay exemption fee of Rs. 2000/- (Rs. 500 per paper). Course Fee includes Registration Fee, Tuition Fee, Computer Training Fee, Training Registration Fee and Study Material Cost.
It has been decided that there will be no postal coaching for CAT student. Only Oral Coaching mode will be followed, students eligibility for examination will be based on attendance (more than 70% of Classes attended).
Further, there will be no coaching completion Certificate for CAT Course.
Computer Training:- The Computer Training will be for sixty hours. The training will be in Accounting software, windows etc.
Practical Training:- The Practical Training will be for six months. The training can be taken from organizations prescribed under training scheme of CAT Course.
Orientation Training:- The Orientation Training will be for 15 days. After completion of Accounting Technicians course of both Part-I and Part-II and requisite practical Training of 6 months and Computer Training, a student needs to undergo Orientation Training Programme for 15 days at a Regional Council/ Chapter/ Oral Coaching Centre.
Last Date for Admission
For any further queries related to CAT course, please mail to catdelhi @ icwai.org.
CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth (C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New)) (11269 Points)
11 May 2009