We have received some amount in cash in f.y.2016-17 (April-16 to Aug-16) aggregate amount of cash exceeds Rs.2,00,000/- but single transaction is below 2,00,000/-
we need to file form 61A?
Rudrayani Shedjale (Assistant Accountant) (751 Points)
28 July 2017We have received some amount in cash in f.y.2016-17 (April-16 to Aug-16) aggregate amount of cash exceeds Rs.2,00,000/- but single transaction is below 2,00,000/-
we need to file form 61A?
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183108 Points)
Replied 28 July 2017
As such from the details available......... No.
("Do the Right Thing...!!!")
(128096 Points)
Replied 28 July 2017
Yes. I agreed to Mr. Dhirajlal Rambhia Sir.,
Rudrayani Shedjale
(Assistant Accountant)
(751 Points)
Replied 29 July 2017
Thanks for the information.