How to prepare monthly cash flow statement ? Can we prepare it without making balance sheet & Profit & loss ?
Please provide format !
Lalit Kumar
(Vice President )
(2213 Points)
Replied 09 December 2011
Balance sheet need not be necessarily prepared for it. But u should have the respective ledger accounts for the month to know the movement of cash. The cash ledger alone will do for it to know the Investment made or finances recieved apart from the cash sale and cash purchases made during the month.
Apart from it do calculate the Depreciation for the month for respective assets if your using Indirect method. Interest paid/received for month to be calculated too.
The format is given below.
(14607 Points)
Replied 09 December 2011
I advise you to follow accounting Standard(AS-3) format revised.This is mandatory.You can get the text of AS - 3 from the book on ASs. its available from the stores of professional books.