Case Law - Give your Suggestions

Itz Me (34 Points)

10 May 2007  
Hi Guys And Gals

Read the following case law and give your suggestions.

Mr. x is an advocate, Mrs X  is working in state bank of india.
Mr x undergoes an heart surgery on Dec 12, 2005 which costs Rs.200000/-
Mrs x got a reimbursement from his employer which amounts to Rs.150000/-(being 75% of the amt spent).
For that 75% she get a Tax free perks of Rs.15000/-(Expenditure on medical treatment in India ).

NOTE: The balance 25% (Rs.50000/-) is fully spent for medicenes.


1) For the 75% whether Mrs x is eligible for any other deduction?
2) For the balance 25% mrs x will get deduction under section 80DDB?   (or)
     Mr. X can show the 25% in his returns and get deduction u/s 80DDB?
3) It is advisible for mr x to show the 75% in his returns?

ya itz me  :K) ;D :K)