Hello All,
I am new member to this forum , first let me introduce my self i am sujatha i did B.Sc.(Maths),MBA (HR) and i have 4 years of expereince in HR generalistic function , i have through out good academic record upto PG (in between 70-75%) i am 26 yr old and just got married i have taken a break from my job and i am planning to do CS and CWA i have allready filled CS executive form for June examination now i am little bit confused on few points i hope experts and members will definetly help me out ............my queries are :-
1. i am a non commerce graduate and my previous expereince is of HR so if i successfully completed CS/CWA or both then do my previous work expereince will be counted any more (last position hold was of Assistant Manager HR and Administration with steel and power company) or companies will consider me as fresher?
2. i think it will take 3 to 4 year for completing CS/CWA so at that time i will be 30 , do i will get any good opening in that age ?Does age really matters ?
3. My husband is planning to move abroad (prefe. Europe)after 4-5 years (he is in IT) so does these courses will help me out if i also try to get any job in Europian country ?
4. What should be right combination for me CS+CWA,CS+MBL(NLSUI)
friends please help me as i have to plan my career .......................................
S. Sujatha