Career Preparation And Planning

BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44668 Points)

13 February 2009  

Preparation and Planning will enable and enpower you to take right decisions, without fear and shall remove the state of uncertainty . A well prepared student can understand the options and choices available and how to turn the odds in his/ her favor.

  • Well prepared is well armed to plan for and face the future.
  • This is an exciting phase in your life and do not be apprehensive about it.
  • All the great people and high achievers started somewhere. You are therefore not alone.
  • In today’s competitive world full of new options and opportunities, you have the power of choices.
  • You can well exercise them by putting yourself in a stronger position through preparation and planning.

How to go about it in a systematic manner?

1. Analyse and understand yourself.

  • Note all the facts starting from the physical data.
  • The subjects you are interested in and find easy to understand.
  • The subjects in which you have been scoring well.
  • The sports you are interested in and good at.
  • Interests and hobbies. (Interested vs. good at)
  • Personality type-introvert or extrovert etc.

2. This list is for your own self and therefore you should be honest and frank.

3. Also note that every individual is different and no single personality type is better than the other.

4. Prepare your own S.W.O.T (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis in writing.

  • You may be shy, good in science subjects, may be a good chess player, but may find it difficult to express yourself due to lack of confidence or command over language.
  • You may want to do a course, where admission may be difficult and it may also be very expensive.
  • If you have outstanding achievements in some fields, like being a top ranker, college captain of the basketball team, a very good guitarist, a talented artist etc., mark them separately.
  • Also list separately the things you are passionate about- e.g. music, sculpture, studies, public speaking.
  • Would you like to take them up as your profession?
  • Are you prepared to invest the required time and energy?


Career planning starts with a clear understanding of yourself. The process suggested is simple and interesting. It provides a good starting point and as the saying goes ‘well begun is half done’