Sec. 115 WB(2)(H) : "repair,running (including fuel), maintenance of motorcars and the amount of depreciation thereon;"
In my opinion insurance expenses is covered in expenses on running the car as one cannot legally run the car without insurance.
(25 Points)
Replied 13 July 2009
Sec. 115 WB(2)(H) : "repair,running (including fuel), maintenance of motorcars and the amount of depreciation thereon;"
In my opinion insurance expenses is covered in expenses on running the car as one cannot legally run the car without insurance.
CA Vinay Saraf
(148 Points)
Replied 13 July 2009
as irunning and maintanaince of car would be taxable as fringe benefit and car insurance will qualify in maintanaince.
Abhishek Mohta
(508 Points)
Replied 20 July 2009
As per my opinion Car Insurance will be covered under FBT as it is an essential component in running the car.