Capitalisation of lifts

P Sreenivasulu (CA Job) (89 Points)

30 August 2008  

 Our company constructed a 7 storeyed building at Hyderabad. The building was capitalised in oct' 84 in the buildings group but lifts which were installed in nov'85 capitalised  as "Electrical installations" by giving a separate life. Without verifying the earlier accounting treatment, assuming that earlier lifts are capitlised along with the building, the new lifts installed in nov'07 was charged as R&M expenditure. Now as per the assurance to audit the correct accounting treatment is to be given in current year.

In this case, i am of the opinion that the original capitalision is wrong. Because, a 7 storeyed building cannot be said to be completed without the lift. Eventhough, the lift was installed subsequently, it should be treated as an integral part of main  asset and over the remaining useful life it should be depreciated. The accounting treatment given in 07-08 accounts to charge the installtion of new lifts to R&M, is correct.

Dear members please react with logical argument.

CA Sreenivasulu.P