1. Question no. 1 was about claiming the basic exemption of Rs 1 lac on LTCG on the ITR. So the questioner was clear that there was an LTCG on the shares sold and that these shares were purchased by him on or before 31.1.2018.
2. Question no. 2 reads: "I also sold rights issue (shares purchased in 1990) of reliance for 25000 is this LTCG or STCG". This indicates that this was a separate transaction of Rs 25,000/- in addition to Rs 2,20,000/- mentioned in question 1. Hence the interpretation is that the questioner is referring to the Reliance Rights Shares entitlement which he has sold in addition to the shares referred to in question 1.
That is why my answer: "In my view, the sale proceeds of these rights shares entitlement are neither LTCG nor STCG.... " clearly indicates that the answer relates to the rights entitlement, not to shares held. My interpretation could be wrong and so I requested experts to give their opinion.
Maybe the questioner could please clarify his second question - whether he sold more shares (i.e. in addition to those mentioned in his question 1), or whether he sold the rights entitlement he was eligible to (on the shares he had purchased in 1990), in addition to those mentioned in his question 1..
3. Since Sec 112AA was not available to me, I requested for the text of this Section.
Thank you.