I have a land which I want to sale & invest the amount in commercial property. so can I claim deduction in capital gain for Investment in commercial property
Shelly Maheshwari (Student) (59 Points)
18 June 2018I have a land which I want to sale & invest the amount in commercial property. so can I claim deduction in capital gain for Investment in commercial property
CA Sunil Kumar
(Chartered Accountant)
(4524 Points)
Replied 18 June 2018
Shelly Maheshwari
(59 Points)
Replied 19 June 2018
Sir, will I get the deductions in Capital gain for the amount invested in commercial property from the amount received on sale proceeds ?
CA Sunil Kumar
(Chartered Accountant)
(4524 Points)
Replied 19 June 2018
Shelly Maheshwari
(59 Points)
Replied 19 June 2018
ok, so I have to invest the sale proceed in Capital gain bonds in 54EC.
sir, I have other Query - I have taken commercial loan on my fathers name, can I claim the deduction of Interest in my ITR Return or deduction of Interest can be claimed in my fathers return only?
CA Sunil Kumar
(Chartered Accountant)
(4524 Points)
Replied 19 June 2018