tarandeep singh saluja (CA FINAL) (398 Points)

06 March 2011  

Dear friends i wan td solution of this question


Qus- On 1/4/2010 X (63yrs) owns two house property at agra apart from investment in gold during P.yr 2010-11 X sells the following assests

                                                          GOLD                      RESIDENTIAL HOUSE

DATE OF SALE                             10/7/2010                    15/6/2010

DATE OF PURCHASE                 9/6/1996                      17/5/1988

SALE CONSIDERATION           6,40,000.00               18,15,000.00

COST OF AQUISITION              2,25,000.00                4,00,000.00

income from other sources - 756000.00

Assming X has made the following investments during the P.yr 2010-11 find out the tax laibility of X for the A.yr 2011-12

a) Purchase of residential House property -622000.00

b) Deposit in PPF-60000.00

ans- 77870.00

my ans of this question is not coming pls give me the solution this question is of V.K singhania book 104-E1


thanks in advance..........