1) Total Short Term Capital Gain(being depreciable asset), if both blocks ceases to exist will be
Sale consideration 80
less : TOtal WDV of furniture & building sold ---- XX
2) If Blocks are still existing, then while deducting the amount of sale consideration, the sale consideration(i.e. Rs. 80) should be bifurcated in ratio of cost of asset sold(i.e. in ratio of 50:5)
and the capital gain(for each block) will be calculated as follows:
Opening WDV XX
Add: additions XX
less: deletion(i.e. sale consideration) XX
Closing WDV XX
If the resulting WDV is positive, then no capital gain arises, infact the resulting WDV will be eligible for the depriciation
If the resulting WDV is negative, then the same shall be taxable as Short Term Capital Gain