Procedure of Capital Budgeting
Capital investment decision of the firm have a pervasive influence on the entire spectrum of entrepreneurial activities so the careful consideration should be regarded to all aspects of financial management .
In capital budgeting process, main points to be borne in mind how much money will be needed of implementing immediate plans, how much money is available for its completion and how are the available funds going to be assigned tote various capital projects under consideration. The financial policy and risk policy of the management should be clear in mind before proceeding to the capital budgeting process. The following procedure may be adopted in preparing capital budget :-
(1) Organisation of Investment Proposal.
The first step in capital budgeting process is the conception of a profit making idea. The proposals may come from rank and file worker of any department or from any line officer. The department head collects all the investment proposals and reviews them in the light of financial and risk policies of the organisation in order to send them to the capital expenditure planning committee for consideration.
(2) Screening the Proposals.
In large organisations, a capital expenditure planning committee is established for the screening of various proposals received by it from the heads of various departments and the line officers of the company. The committee screens the various proposals within the long-range policy-frame work of the organisation. It is to be ascertained by the committee whether the proposals are within the selection criterion of the firm, or they do no lead to department imbalances or they are profitable.
(3) Evaluation of Projects.
The next step in capital budgeting process is to evaluate the different proposals in term of the cost of capital, the expected returns from alternative investment opportunities and the life of the assets with any of the following evaluation techniques:-
(a) Degree of Urgency Method
(b) Pay-back Method
(c) Return on investment Method
(d) Discounted Cash Flow Method.
(4) Establishing Priorities.
After proper screening of the proposals, uneconomic or unprofitable proposals are dropped. The profitable projects or in other words accepted projects are then put in priority. It facilitates their acquisition or construction according to the sources available and avoids unnecessary and costly delays and serious cot-overruns. Generally, priority is fixed in the following order.
(a) Current and incomplete projects are given first priority.
(b) Safety projects ad projects necessary to carry on the legislative requirements.
(c) Projects of maintaining the present efficiency of the firm.
(d) Projects for supplementing the income
(e) Projects for the expansion of new product.
(5) Final Approval.
Proposals finally recommended by the committee are sent to the top management along with the detailed report, both o the capital expenditure and of sources of funds to meet them. The management affirms its final seal to proposals taking in view the urgency, profitability of the projects and the available financial resources. Projects are then sent to the budget committee for incorporating them in the capital budget.
(6) Evaluation.
Last but not the least important step in the capital budgeting process is an evaluation of the programme after it has been fully implemented. Budget proposals and the net investment in the projects are compared periodically and on the basis of such evaluation, the budget figures may be reviewer and presented in a more realistic way.