Cancellation of vat and cst registration
Sagar (Student) (46 Points)
09 December 2015
CA Komal Puri
(Practicing Chartered Accountant)
(163 Points)
Replied 09 December 2015
The procedure for cancellation of MVAT and CST registration is not online. It is manual. The following are the requirements for the same.
1. Covering letter requesting the department to cancel the numbers.
2. Original MVAT and CST certificates
3. Copies of returns filed along with the payment challan.
You will have to submitt the same at the registration department TAPAL.
CA Komal Puri
(46 Points)
Replied 10 December 2015
Thanks for reply....
MAHAVAT has just started online cacellation of VAT and CST certificates. I have got a PDF of "Registration Procedure Manual New" stating following points.
6 .4 6 -P r o c e s s in g o f TIN c a n c e lla t io n a p p lic a t io n s in M a h a vik a s
The p rocedure for proce ssing the cance llat ion app lica t ions in Mahavika s is a s
follows :
1) The path to the m en u is- De a le r Info-Re g istr a t ion-cancella t ion.
2) Cance lla t ion sea rch screen wou ld open. Click the “New Cance lla t ion Form”
tab on this scr e e n.
3) Enter e ithe r the TIN or the n ame of the a p p licant d e a le r and then click the
“se a r ch” Tab . The pr e fe r a ble opt ion would be the TIN because search by
name wou ld ge n e r a te a list of a ll dea le r s b e a r ing same name .
4) The dea le r 's da ta would a ppea r on the scree n , if the sea rch cr ite r ion
ente r e d is cor r e ct .
5) Sele ct the da t e from the ca lenda r icon from which the TIN is to be
cance lled .
6) Enter the details such a s applicant name, a pplicant sta tus, applicat ion
da te , r e a son for cance lla t ion (t o b e se le cted from the drop down list ) e tc.
7) “Save” the app lica tion . The applica t ion numbe r would get genera ted .
8) Click the “Rema rks” tab. The “rema r ks” window wou ld open.
Above text is from Page no 51 of same manual.
If you provide me email ID I can send it.
Please check and let me know.
If there is online procudure for this function, it will save our time and money also.
CA Komal Puri
(Practicing Chartered Accountant)
(163 Points)
Replied 10 December 2015
As per the latest departmental procedures, no online procedure has been prescribed as of now. Kindly provide the link for the same.
As per departmental inquiry, In addition to the requirements mentioned in my previous reply Form 103 also has to be filled and submitted along with the above mentioned documents.
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)