Dear Ram
1A. Non Exisable goods mean , whih are not chargeable to tax as per central excise act and rules. for ths purpose you have to see tariff.
1B. it looks that you are using these packing material for packing other material and which is export by you.hence identity of the transaction will be determined with reference to the material you are exporting. if it is trading material, it will be trading sale or if it is manufactuyred goods, then it will not be trading sale
2. if you sale these purchased box only then it will be trading sale.for filing refund claim for rebate of excise duty pl read section 11B of central excise with Rukle 18 of central excise rule 2002, notification no. 40/2001(N.T>. however i am breafing as under.
- I am assuming you are regularly doing Export, then up to filing of ARE with Rangewith custom stamped copy, you know this procedure.
- Claim of the rebate of duty shall be lodged along with original copy of the application to the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise having jurisdiction over the your factory
-The Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise of Central Excise having jurisdiction over your factory shall compare the duplicate copy of application received from the Officer of Customs with the original copy received from the exporter and with the triplicate copy received from the Central Excise Officer and if satisfied that the claim is in order, he shall sanction the rebate either in whole or in part.
Pl note you have to attach all document while claiming refund, like shipping bill, invoice copy etc.
Vijay agrawal