I would like to know that can we run a e-commerce site whick offers different types of live birds, live animals, their products, supplies, food etc., in India?
Ajith Chand Kanagala (CEO) (51 Points)
22 February 2017Hello,
I would like to know that can we run a e-commerce site whick offers different types of live birds, live animals, their products, supplies, food etc., in India?
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183881 Points)
Replied 22 February 2017
Have you registered your establishment with any Governmental agencies like Shops & establishment, VAT, Department of animal husbandry etc.?
Ajith Chand Kanagala
(51 Points)
Replied 27 February 2017
Established as Shop, Had labour licence.
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183881 Points)
Replied 27 February 2017
What are the activities permitted as per the shops & Establishment license? Also get VAT registration.
Ajit Hegde
(CA - Final)
(1367 Points)
Replied 01 March 2017