Can someone please calculate nwc for given information?


Please calculate NWC for the information provided below by MPBF method


Equity & Liabilities

Shareholders funds

a) Share capital 28.10 lacs

b) reserves 445.76 lacs


Long term borrowings 122.55 lacs

Deferred tax liability 10.07 lacs


Short term borrowings 43.80 lacs

trade payables 356.66 lacs

other current liabilites 64.02 lacs

short term provisions 46.29 lacs



Fixed assets 314.95 lacs

Non current investments 263.83 lacs

long term loans and advances 8.43 lacs

Current Assets

Inventories 75.77 lacs

Trade receivables 311.35 lacs

Cash /Cash equivalents 107.80 lacs

Short term laons and advances 19.92

other current assets 15.21 lacs



Total Current assets
Other current Liabilities
WC Gap
Min. NWC-25% of Current assets (excldg export receivables)
Actual NWC Level
3-5(lower of 6 or 7
Excess borrowing if any

Please help...

What does actual NWC means here ? and what would be the MPBF? Plz show how u derived at the answer