Can anyone validate this mail-This I received from Aditya Ma

sivaram (Asst Mgr-Taxation) (6918 Points)

29 January 2011  

Aditya Maheshwari to sanjay_5649, ankur, ayushagrawal, me
show details 3:33 PM (22 minutes ago)

I donot know the veracity of this mail.
CA Aditya Maheshwari

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Rebecca Andrews <rebecca.andrews88 @>
Sent: Sat, 29 January, 2011 7:48:21 AM
Subject: Hiregange Makes A Bid To Takeover CA ClubIndia

Recent spurt in activities suggest that Madhukar Hiregange is making a determined bid to takeover majority intellectual control of the CA ClubIndia. 

In lieu of a financial bid, his strategy is to bring intellectual capital.

The takeover shall be smooth and on a gradual but consistent basis. It will be divided into segments.

The management of the Club too is favourably disposed to this move. The identity of the club is expected to change for the better : New wine in an old bottle.

This battle is to capture the minds of the new and younger CAs. The oldies will be assisted to upgrade their knowledge-skills.

Confused :