Can anyone explain this tds sum

Sam (-) (181 Points)

03 October 2012  

Mr.R was working...

1)with XLtd till date 31/7/2011 his salary was--------------------------------- Rs50000 p/m

2)then he joined Y Ltd.wef. 1/8/2011 his salary was-------------------------Rs.60000 p/m

ypu have to compute the tax deductable by X ltd and Yltd assuming they subbmited the salary details  alongwith the copy of form 16 on 1/8/2011 itself


particulars Rs. tax to be deducted at source
salary for the month of April paid in May 50000                       4635##
salary for the month of may paid in june 50000 4635
salary for the month of june paid in july 50000 4635
salary for the month of july paid on july 31st 50000 Nil ***
  total TDS 13905

here the calculation of Tds is as follows

50000pm x 12 mts=6,00,000

Tax on Rs.6lac in ----------------------------------------------Rs 52000 (how?) isn't it supposed to  be accor. to the slab rates     

edu cess----------------------------------------------------------Rs  1560

total --------------------------------------------------------------------53560

for Tds pm -53560/12=Rs.4463


My questions is---

1)where did amt.Rs4635 come from --> (##)(Isn't it supposed to be Rs4463)

2)why the TDS for july is nil  ----> (***)(why isn't Tds charged?will it be charged in future?)

3)where did tax payable of Rs 52000 arise



Can anyone tell me about  1 and 2 from above questions 




plz help