HARI SHANKER KUMAR (Sr.Acc.Splist-DuPont) (164 Points)

21 December 2010  

"Advice is the only thing in the world that comes for free..."

"It's easy to give advice but difficult to follow..."

and many other popular quotes on ADVICE...

Advice is a valuable resource for CA students. Getting an advice on the course is a difficult task for a CA aspirant. But there are very few well-wishers, who give advice out of the care and concern they have for us.

We, as part of the CA fraternity, seek and get advices on many fronts. Some of them include:

1) mode of study - self or coaching.

2) which material to study - institute material or author's books.

3) which groups to attempt - first or second or both.

4) how to plan preparation for exams?

5) where to pursue articleship?....

and sky is the limit for this endless list....!

Results of the preparation may vary with efforts, time and luck.

But most often we end up blaming those who have given those invaluable advices.

Some of the popular blame games go as follows:

  • Mr.X misguided me...
  • Ms.A didn't understand me properly..
  • Mr.Z doesn't know anything about the course...
  • Ms.K could instead have kept quiet...

and so on.....

We continue targeting our benefactors without thinking at once... whether we acted upon the advice properly or not...!

It's never a hard & fast rule to follow every advice you get....

We should realise that it's our responsibility to assess our own abilities, plans and priorities and then consider the given advice and act appropriately.

Even the person whose advice has not been followed wouldn't get disappointed if you can justify why you couldn't implement his advice... and don't be surprised if you get a pat on your back...!


A rock is given to you...

Whether you chisel out a b'ful face or...

Bang your head against it & bleed...

It's left to you...!