as far as i know.....every Bschool in the top category charge fees from companies.. but still that comes cheap for companies, since they have to pay the consultants as well, when they hire off campus. Even in case of employee referal, the concerned employee gets a commission....So practically they hire free only when they come across a direct profile, which is in rarity , considering the time they have to invest. moreover the initial screening is done by the consultants, in our case ICAI. yes that is True. The first call letters for interview , after filling up the online form, is done by ICAI, and not by companies.
But your point stands true in some other respect. Campusing of Every top B-school rests on the capability of the campusing director or co-ordinator. Its his source, network, USP( whatever u call it), that makes the campusing a success. I have seen in few cases( in B-schools), where, campusing went aweful, when the concerned campusing director resigned.