Calculation oof Capital Gain

vsraj (administration) (136 Points)

05 July 2023  


Dear Sirs/Madam  

This quuery is related  to Mutual Fund Redeemption annd  calculation of Capital Gain Tax. 

>   4400 units of Equity scheme of a Mutual Fund was purchased on 15.06.2016 at NAV Rs.12.00.

>     Dividend Received in the years are:   Rs.440, Rs.800 and Rs.1000 in the Financial years -   20017-18;   2018-19 and 2020-21.respectively.

>     The investor has redeemed all the Units (4400) at NAVRs.17.00 on 15.03.2023.

Qn: 1  How to calculate the Capital Gain..

Qn. 2. The exemption limit of Rs. 1,00,000 ( from Capital Gain Tax) applies to all units redeemed in the year or it applies to   each individual redemption.

Thank you.
