Calculation of Turnover of F & Trade for reporting in ITR 3

hmr (retired) (32 Points)

29 December 2021  

Please inform the amount  be reported in ITR3  in turnover from the foolowing  list of 7 trades. .

with best regards


Security Name Option Type Strike Price Jobbing Qty Jobbing PURVAL Jobing SALEVAL Realized P/L Fut Turnover
FUTSTKSIEMENS29OCT2020 FX 0.00 550.00 662062.50 663272.50 1210.00 1325335.00
FUTSTKICICIPRULI30JUL2020 FX 0.00 1500.00 638025.00 652500.00 14475.00 1290525.00
FUTSTKHINDUNILVR30APR2020 FX 0.00 2700.00 6197730.00 6244875.00 47145.00 12442605.00
OPTIDXBANKNIFTY22OCT2020 CE 23000.00 50.00 31400.00 52500.00 21100.00 0.00
FUTSTKRELIANCE25FEB2021 FX 0.00 250.00 471475.00 473000.00 1525.00 944475.00
FUTSTKDABUR24SEP2020 FX 0.00 1250.00 617250.00 596375.00 -20875.00 1213625.00
FUTSTKHDFCBANK28MAY2020 FX 0.00 1000.00 929000.00 943875.00 14875.00 1872875.00