As siddh says that you shuld deduct TDS on the cuurent salary month wise. Like an example Toatal salary payable to A is 40000 Per month . So his salary for 12 month is 480000 ( Dont consider any increment which may be given during the month OR any one time payment to such emplyoee which is not given to employee but may be given at ant time during the month OR it means for the computation of tax consider onty that part of salary which is given to employee) So calaute tax of employee i.e. Rs. 52530 for full year & 4378 per month . So deduct Rs 4378 on monthly basis.....................
And about when employee leaves the company and at the time of full & final settlement deduct TDS on all taxable amount.
May be sometimes at time full & final employee claim some part of salary as a non taxable like MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT or LEAVE ENCASHMENT then dont consider that amount on such part of salary & deduct TDS on higher which is applicable to such employee.
Like in case of A , his higher rate of TDS is 20% then deduct TDS @ 20%.
Hope now you are clear abt that.