What is the meaning of "an anti-dumping duty at a rate which is equivalent to the difference between, amount as specified,in the currency as specified, and per uint of measurement as specified, and landed value of such imported goods.
(a) "landed value"means the assessable value as determined under the Custom act,1962 (52 of 1962) and includes all duties of custom except duties levied under section 3, 3a,8B,9 and 9A of the said custo Tariff Act.
(1) Landed value is the value of the goods as determined by the Customs authorities in accordance with the Act. It includes all duties of customs except Additional duties of cutoms u/s 3, Special additional duty of customs u/s 3A, Safeguard duty u/s 8B, Countervailing duty u/s 9 and anti-dumping duty u/s 9A.
(2) Anti-dumping duty is levied to ensure that foreign country goods are not imported into India in bulk quantities at less than the normal value as obviously, this is not good for the economy. Hence the difference between the amount at which are imported and the landed value (normal value) is the maximum amount of duty that can be levied.