Page no : 4

CA Ravi Sisodia (CA,CS,CMA) (32226 Points)
Replied 21 August 2010


Originally posted by : koolleo87

CA vs MBA comparision is done often by people who are jealous of the Average MBA guy making more money than a average CA... Except that right now, this post has been started by some curious student.. 



Debate alot guys. And whatever you and some stupid people on CA Club (whom you all call Sir Sir and CA featured members) may conclude, the fact remains that if 2 people with the same IQ and same talent hop into CA & MBA respectively, the MBA guy will ALWAYS earn more. Period. 

 you proved yourself with this statement.  you are right that no comparison between CA & MBA.

you know, we know that what is the truth.

everybody knows(you are also  know very well) about the situation of MBA.

we already know your ...............  achievements.  mind your own business.

Zulfikar Surti (Student) (431 Points)
Replied 22 August 2010

you proved yourself with this statement.  you are right that no comparison between CA & MBA.

you know, we know that what is the truth.

everybody knows(you are also  know very well) about the situation of MBA.

we already know your ...............  achievements.  mind your own business.



koolleo87 (1268 Points)
Replied 01 September 2010

In fact, I showed who you are. And by not replying to my questions, you confirmed the fact....

Aditya Maheshwari (CA in Practice) (35867 Points)
Replied 01 September 2010

Both CAs and MBAs are different and only a comparision has been shown here.

CA Ayush Agarwal (Kolkata-Pune-Mumbai) (27186 Points)
Replied 16 December 2010

One Of Nice Explanation

Karna (Article) (38 Points)
Replied 03 February 2011

Average MBA vs CA in case of accounting job.............there is no need of any comparison, CAs are masters in accounting. CAs can complete a calculation before these namesake MBAs start to solve the problem.

But, When a quality MBA is compared to a CA, CAs are nowhere, they just happened to be the boring number crunchers. 

In management, sales, investment,......these MBAs can earn double than an average CA. besides these MBAs are lot more smarter than CAs and thats what today's company need. They don't need someone who know all the standards and and section, which can be easily available from different sources in todays world. They need someone who can influence people, make business meetings, presentations, develop and implement strategies, who is good in communication, all these cases MBA wins.

But knowledge, hard work and respect...... in these cases CA wins.

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