Evertime cost cutting matter is not preferable, since suffering loss by this will be higher.
Since no where in syllabus of MBA it is thought how u have to tax plan or we should twist accounting entry through this fringe benefit tax or other tax will be saved by company. Also no where MBA is thought that what legal action will be taken against any transction. Let assume public company has given a loan to director or relative of director, central govt apprval is required before giving loan u/s 295 of Company Act.
NOw a days business transaction are globalising, in that case various FEMA rules, SEBI guidelines apply which can never be caught by MBA student, since from birth to the death of MBA course, no any lights of FEMA or SEBI, Company Act, Income TAx Act, Competetion Act, COntract Act, Patnership Act, Sales Act, Negotiable Instrument Act etc never comes in the eye of MBA's student. And without light we can't see anything it will be nothing but a darkness for a business.