CA Results & Placements

CA Vishal (CA working in industry) (620 Points)

20 July 2011  


  Friends first of all heartiest congratulations to all those who have passed CA exams and I have sympathies for those who could not clear. I have only one advise  that give your best shot and never lose heart.....

Now coming to point I m making normally CA results are linked with placements . I  still dont have the actual statistics but going by whatever I have read or Known that the reults are very high this time. One interesting point is that we  take a close look at the placement program  statistics of  Feb - Mar 2011 ( it is avaliable on Institute website) . I have put the brief summary of the same

Brief summary of the placement programme of both the phases is as follows:



Number of Candidates Registered


Number of Interview Teams


Number of Organisations


Number of Jobs Offered


Percentage of jobs offered vis a vis registered candidates


One more thing out of the 1876 jobs offered only 1663 accepted jobs that is  around 210 odd candidates rejected offers so the actual coversion rate works out to be 31% . Now in simple terms out off 100 CA only  31 get the job . Now most of these would be rank holders, 1st attempt , students who have done articleship from BIG 4 , etc..... 

 Also  market  was also out of recession  during this time.  So friends Now with the results improving  further . My worry is what would be state of placements. My heart goes out for the remaining 69 CA who have too look for jobs in market and the salary would be much lower.  

Isnt is surprising close to 70% of CA do not get absorbed in placements.   ISnt it time we do something about this when the MBA institutes are offering 100% placeement  Would await your views and replies........