raam i think you have got Question 1c wrong,if the client gives in writing and adheres to the clauses then ganesham is allowed to invest on their behalf.. section 15 of securities contract regulation act
anup pathmudi
(Financial Consultancyl)
(38 Points)
Replied 08 May 2011
raam i think you have got Question 1c wrong,if the client gives in writing and adheres to the clauses then ganesham is allowed to invest on their behalf.. section 15 of securities contract regulation act
anup pathmudi
(Financial Consultancyl)
(38 Points)
Replied 08 May 2011
also question 2 a is section 372A ..section 292 authorises the board to delegate the power to make loans and investment. however it must be ensured that it does not result in the contravention of section 372A
anup pathmudi
(Financial Consultancyl)
(38 Points)
Replied 08 May 2011
and finally political contibution is section 293A and not 293B.
sanjay j domadia
(50 Points)
Replied 08 May 2011
has anyone uploaded todays law paper of ca final exams?
CA Shammi Prabhakar
(Managing Director)
(2076 Points)
Replied 08 May 2011
(Junior Manager (Finance & Accounts))
(85 Points)
Replied 08 May 2011
For VVI costing theory- refer this forum....
q.2 a. i dnt agree with u , its the company suppose to take loan from the bank not suppose to invest or provide loans so as sec 372 A speaks out for the loan to be given not to be taken
the aplicable section is sec 292 where the board can authorised /delegate the power to md , now the loan amont is max of share capital + reserves ,it comes 450 lks temperory loan are out of the preview of this section so the company can get rs.150 cr more loan without taking permission from share holders and for taking the loan of 450 cr in total 600 cr company need to ask to share holders in gm by special resolution
CA Ankit Sahu
(Chartered Accountant)
(81 Points)
Replied 09 May 2011
q 2 a. sec 293 is applicable.sec 292 authorised the MD to Borrow,invest or loan.ans should be 100+300=400 less 150 (only secured loan)=250,so that for balance 350 cr consent of members r required.correct if m wrong.
anup pathmudi
(Financial Consultancyl)
(38 Points)
Replied 09 May 2011
but its exceeding 60% and 100% criteria u/s 372A, hence not allowed without prior approval at GM. first of all its a public ltd cos cause the name doe not mention pvt ltd as required, secondly section 292 provisions are over ridden by 372A, the question is whether loan should be granted having regards to provisions of companies act.... hence when 372A itself is being breached the question of 292 does not arise, secondly for approval u/s 372A case to case approval is required and not a blanket approval, hence it can be safely assumed that no approval for this particular case has been taken.
My call would still be section 372A applicability.
sanjay j domadia
(50 Points)
Replied 09 May 2011
can someone download yesterdays law paper ca final?
all u r saying is right about sec 372 a , but answer me the question
1. who want the loan :- company , what section 372 a speaks for providing loan who is providing loan bank , its come under the banking regulation act ...so the bank need to evaluate the praposal from companies act point of u
2. sec 292 gives md a delegation to get loan
3. sec 293 1 d provide for the loan
so from where the question of 372 a comes , if it is a company rather than bank which is providing loan then we need to look for sec 372 a , if its bank why it will consider for sec 372 a and company which is asking loan its gets it under sec 292 and 293 d 1
why u guys are getting confused , first make the assessment who want the loan and and who is providing the loan , regarding whom u need to assess the stiuation and second and most imp is which provision apply