Ca final costing preparation strategy - may'13

Srinivas (accountant) (222 Points)

25 January 2013  

Hi All:

i will be appearing for May'13 G-II. i need your help for preparation strategy for CA final costing. as per the trend analysis, the questions asked in CA final costing seems to always different and not sure from where they pick these questions, which author books? any idea, from which author books they consider this questions? 

Though we practise lot of problems and get good conceputal clarity, but during the exam, due to time constraint the thought process for the question doesn't work.  how should be the approach to this subject such that we solve different problems given in the exam. for example, problems, in Decision making, Transfer Pricing, pricing, etc., 

1) suggest one single good book (apart from institute material) which has unique problems from exam perspective 

2) how should one approach for this subject such that thought process works during the 3 hour exam time.

can you please help me?

thanks in advance for your suggestions.
