20 November 2009  

Hi, I sat for Final Group 2 in November 09. They gave 8 costing problems and some 6 theories to do in 180 minutes. Simulation problem had 40 entries which took minimum 40 minutes. This left 7 problems and 6 theories to be done in 140 minutes. On an average reading a costing problem and doing it takes 20 minutes. Going by that, where was the time. I challenge the paper setter, the President and all other past CAs to do this costing paper in hall condition in 180 minutes. I bet that none of them shall be able to do it. On an average I do not think anyone would have done more than 70%. Same with MICS. 20 questions all theroy types to do in 180 minutes. What does the Institute want. No one passes? This means what? Existing CAs are all bogus and only the ones who shall pass out now shall be brilliant? There is no justification in taxing students like this. Make entry level strict to weed out average students at the start. That also they wont do. They want money to flow in as well. God knows what the Institute currently believes in and where its going. But one thing is sure --  this is not the right way. Any responses please!!!!!!!