Hi All.
All of us know that exams are fast approaching and no one can stop them from coming. They start on 1st of November,2012. We have been reading since the time of results of every exam, many topics such as ICAI is strict, ICAI does not correct papers well, ICAI is this , ICAI is that. All said and all read, we also did read a few comments such as "I passed !!!", " I am a CA", "Thanks to my frnds and CAclub India", etc. At this point of time, before the exams, refrain yourself from remembering both these kinds of comments. The only thing which you must remember is your mark list of your previous attempt( if any) and the steps which to improve them ( believe me , you still have time ) and if its your first attempt, then just concentrate on your preparation/revision.
All these comments come and go. Your exam and results also come and go and the impact when compared to comments on a website is lot different. So instead of searching for what others are writing on the web, prepare well guys(and girls ).
If you truly want to be a CA , i mean pass your CA final exam this time, people, the only key is preparation and preparation with respect and dedication. There is time left for all of us, who are writing the exam again. There is little time left for those writing the exam for the first time.
While writing the exam, write as much as you can. Write all that you have learnt. WARNING - Do not write all that you have discussed. It will not fetch you marks. In those 3 hours, forget if your friends will criticise you if you come out late, forget if you have a meeting at 5:15 to attend. Forget everthing except the subject that you are writing and the fact that you wish to pass the exam. Help no one at the exam hall, because at times, you become so generous that you wait for others to complete and your paper will become incomplete. If you are truly a good friend, and generous man and you are next to Mahatma, then help him during his preparation for his next exam, support him financially and morally until his next exam attempt. Let him sleep on your bed and you sleep on the floor. But in an exam, write your own paper guys.
Finally, dont loose concentration, stick to your aim, pass the exam, respect others comments, enjoy life.
All the best for our exams !!! First timers- Take Care. Others - Beware.
Forget about ICAI. Flourish in its Exams.