CA degree is going on a declining phase and losing its value ata rapid pace.CA was never tough degree.
vivek jain (kl) (264 Points)
13 December 2012CA degree is going on a declining phase and losing its value ata rapid pace.CA was never tough degree.
Forget about toughness. Their business ethics are not within the social values. Once they get through final they imagine that they have social status/recognition worth everybody's obedience. But their level of knowledge is that of a Notary at High court or criminal courts.
They have no inquisitiveness needed by a professional. i.e. when yU come across a simple ? concerning everybody these professionals did not bother to know how it has escaped their attention OR how did they deal with when the same thing they were to face.
For ex. I posed a sim[ple ? in these columns the defaults notice generated by is charging interest on interest - from which date it is calculated
and at ? %age
and to what date i.e. is it up to the date of generation OR .....???
Similarly so many experinces. when I met some personally some professionals.
When these are common to all how and why did they chose to ignore......while at the offices they point out and make an issue of much more small things than this.
Recently there was a news that the Finance MInistry is thinking of stopping of audit Banks as this was no additional advantage . If they stop @ these many thousands of Rs. per branch they can save so much to the banks.
? none of these professionals raised their voice and said how they are helping the banks....!!!
When the e-filing site / sites are not working properly why none of these professionals raised their voice....? do they want to maintain good relations with the IT Dept. Is it in the interest of .........
Thank you
satish kumar voleti
(A.C.A., (ICWAI))
(1686 Points)
Replied 14 December 2012
Rightly said as most the practising members are well settled in other business or they ave earned enough money.. so now they are not in position to bougther about the young chartered accountants ....
if they want to improve the quality of work they can.. by taking the newly qualified CA's into their firms and can even increase the work there by increase the firm, which will help the newly qualified to perish.. ..... but this is not happing... only few firms are coming forward to take youngster into their stream....
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