Ca articleship

sanwar bansal (M.Com CA Article Assistant(IPCC Student))   (82 Points)

23 July 2014  

please its a humble request to all of my senior professional friends and experts, i am in a greate trouble , i.e. i am an article assistant in haryana. my ca is new and practising since 10 months only. so as he is new there is no work to i am very free in office and i thimk i am wasting my time here.coz of i am free. i has to do very personal work in the office like serving water and many more. i joined articleship on 1st jan.2014 but i joined office on 1st july 2014. now i have not learnt something. so kindly suggest me what should i do know. please please i am waiting for your very important suggestion. All these things i did not told to anyone yet. most important thing which i want to tell you that i am taking articleship from a city which is 65kms far from my own village. so i am living here in a hostel where u am paying 5000 p.m as pls suggest me and solve my problem.....

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