C.A Finals Books
BHAGYESH RAVANGE (C.A Job) (1528 Points)
19 December 2009BHAGYESH RAVANGE (C.A Job) (1528 Points)
19 December 2009
(Sr. Team Leader)
(114 Points)
Replied 19 December 2009
Accounts: MP Vijaykumar
CLSP: Munish Bhandari
MAFA: Pattabi Bala
Costing: Maheshwari
MICS: Dinesh Madan
DT: Manoharan
IDT: Bangar
(CA Final Student)
(2571 Points)
Replied 19 December 2009
Books for CA Final
Financial Reporting - M.P.Vijaykumar
AS & IFRS - M.P.Vijaykumar
Strategic Financial Management - S.D.Bala & Pattabhiram
Advanced Auditing - Paduka
Corporate & Allied Laws - Munish Bhandari
Advanced Management Accounting (Erstwhile Cost Management) - Saxena & Vashisht
ISCA (Erstwhile MICS) - Module / Paduka / Dinesh Madan
Direct Tax - T.N.Manoharan, For concept clarity refer Dr. V.K.Singhania
Indirect Taxes - Yogendra Bangar
( CA )
(490 Points)
Replied 19 December 2009
Dear Friend Bhagyesh,
As per my opinion.
1. For Financial Reporting :- M.P.Vijay Kumar. & Notes of Parveen Sharma.
For Accounting Standards :- R.S.Rawat
2. For Strategic Financial Management :- Notes of Rajesh Makker
3. For Advanced Auditing & Professional Ethics:- Vinod Kumar Aggarwal and Notes of Surebhi & Bansal
4. For Corporate and Allied Laws:- Munish Bhandari & Booklet by him.
5. For Direct taxes:- Vinod K Gupta and his Modules.
6. For MICS:- Dinesh madan
7. For Indirect Taxes:- Ajay jain
8. For Costing :- Sanjay Aggarwal Notes.
If anybody have alternatives please suggest.
Pankaj kumar
(160 Points)
Replied 19 December 2009
Dear Friend
As per my opinion.
For A/cs+ MAFA + Costing you must join coaching either from Inst or any other way.
For Accounting Standards DS Rawat of Taxmann Publication is best book.
For MAFA Theory go For either Ashish Kalra or Rajesh Makkar Theory Notes.
For Audit - Padhuka or Surbhi Bansal Notes of Bestword Publications.
Law - Munish Bhandari
DT - Vinod Gupta Modules.
IDT - Deepak Gupta
MICS - Go for G. Sekar (Padhuka)
(Fresh Chartered Accountant)
(45 Points)
Replied 19 December 2009
Dear Friend,
As per my opinion because I clear my Final Exam in June 2009 in first attempt
A/c - Padhuka Publication (Author : G. Sekar), AS - D. S. Rawat
Audit - Module + Padhuka
MAFA - S D Bala for Concept + Padhuka for mor practice
Law - Only Munish Bhandari
Cost - Padhuka (B. Saravana Prashath)
MICS - Module + Padhuka
DT - Only use Dr. Vinod K. Singhania (it is lendthy but refer twice) u will score 50+
IDT - Only Bangar (the best book)
CA Girish Agarwal
(31 Points)
Replied 19 December 2009
As per my opinion.
For A/cs+ MAFA + Costing you must join coaching either from Inst or any other way.
For Accounting Standards DS Rawat of Taxmann Publication is best book.
For MAFA Theory go For either Ashish Kalra or Rajesh Makkar Theory Notes.
For Audit - Padhuka or Surbhi Bansal Notes of Bestword Publications.
Law - Munish Bhandari
DT - Vinod Gupta Modules.
IDT - Deepak Gupta
MICS - Go for G. Sekar (Padhuka
CA Ravi Sisodia
(32226 Points)
Replied 19 December 2009
Accounts: Padhukas
CLSP: Munish Bhandari
MAFA: S N Sridher
Costing: Padhukas
MICS: Dinesh Madan
DT: T N Manoharan
IDT: Yogendra Bangar
AUDIT : P.K. Sharma
in addition you should refer suggested answers(ICAI) and scanner.
(Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy)
(3756 Points)
Replied 20 December 2009
Audit : V.K. Agrawal & (for quick study - kamal garg)
Law : Munish Bhandari (for Complete reading : Main Book & for summary : Hand Book)
MICS : Dinesh Madan & ICAI Module
DT : Paduka (Best coz u can understand easily by urself without ny classes)
IDT : Banger (u'll get everything watever comes in exams but not creates pictorial view in mind)
A/c n MAFA : must solve all ques of Compiler (u'll get even same ques in exam)
Law, MICS, n DT u can do by urself... n also some chapters of A/c & MAFA.
u must read atleast 1AS nd 1SA daily...
if u need ny help den u can contact me...
All da Best..
Khushboo Agarwal
(CS, M.com , CA Final)
(57 Points)
Replied 22 December 2009
hi..I have just written my CA Final xams this november..in my opinion the referred books by adarsh are absolutely perfect ..
just to add on i feel that since compilors provided by the institute are not up to date ..i.e they are solved till nov 2006, i would suggest that you get hold of the recent year solutions ..and also try to complete audit and mics from the compilor , apart from the text books since you will get many common questions and also you can understand the writing pattern......
Vipul Dhulla
(CA Practice )
(767 Points)
Replied 03 January 2010
Dear Friend,
PDF -E.book and Audio learning on :
MICS - CA FINAL[ Old Syllabus ] ISCA - CA FINAL [New Syllabus]
"Management Information and Control System" and "Information System Control and Audit"
Buy one and Get another audiobook FREE...PL. visit at www.dhullasir.com
CA.Vipul Dhulla [ CA, DISA ]
(28544 Points)
Replied 03 January 2010
Accounts Mp Vijay kumar
MAFA V pattabhiram
Audit Padhuka
CLSP Munish bhandari
Costing Padhuka
MICS R chandrasekar or Dinesh madan
DT TN manoharan or Paduka
IDT Vaideeswaran This is an undefeated book....You ca simply get 60 plus
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies