Buy back of shares of a private limited company

Dipjyoti Majumdar (CA in service & CS. dipmaj@ )   (3468 Points)

03 August 2016  

Friends and Seniors

I have some queries on buy back of shares of a private limited company.

Section 68 of Companies Act 2013 and rule 17 of Companies (Share Capital and debenture ) rules 2014 deals with buy back provisions.

query 1) If the buy back is being implemented as per board resolution only under section 68(2)(b)(i) and (ii) as the limit is 10% of paid up capital and free reserves and there is no requirement of special resolution how the requirements as to disclosure on points like objectives of buy back, basis of arriving at the buy back price, sources of funds from which buy back would be financed, audit report to the board of directors relating to buy back be complied with.

Or this is not required ?  

